Friday, March 29, 2013

Suburban Horror Story

This week we got another one of those "have you seen me?" postcards printed on cheap blue cardstock. We used to collect them and stick them on the refrigerator in order of date. Those who had been missing the longest were on the bottom, while the most recent ones were stuck at the top. We used to call them the lost kids and pretend they were the ones who were finally able to escape this suburban monotony and make it to Neverland. We knew better though. "You know they are never coming back right?" she used to say with her eyes, big and solemn, "make sure you don't end up as one of them." 

June passes into July. The fridge gets so crowded we have to move some of the older kids to make room for more. We put away the 5-year-old brunette who disappeared from the car lot of the local grocery store in 1981 with a heavy heart. But it wasn't until August, a particularly hellish August, when she finally disappeared from the playground where all the neighborhood kids liked to hang. Then the police came with their sniffer dogs and uniformed men with their mouths set in a grim line. And even before Mummy came home to tell me the bad news, I already knew what had happened. It was only a matter of time before her face ended up on the fridge. I've gotten used to seeing her every morning as I reach for the orange juice - I don't think I could ever forget that face.


  1. Did you take these pictures? If so, they're incredible. The story about the missing people really really really moved me. You write so beautifully.

    1. Yes I did take the photographs! I am glad you like them =)

  2. wow, this is so beautiful. love your photographs in this post, very incredible! x

  3. I really love the contrast and definitely the writing. And i think i'm your 100th follower haha this might be a special thing :) considering this is my first day on blogspot and you are one of the first few i followed.

    have a nice day, i think you really have some talent in you.

    1. Eheheheh thanks for being my 100th follower!! I think I'll be hosting a giveaway soon to celebrate this mark!

  4. These pictures are great. I love that last one.

    1. Thanks! The last one took a bit of photoshopping, but it was worth it hahhaa.

  5. great pictures! i'm assuming the story is fiction but it's beautiful written and haunting and eerie and goes really well with the photos. i always like reading your blog posts they're a little something different. :)

    little henry lee

    1. It is definitely fiction, but yeah, I made myself nervous writing it cause it is creepy and because I was always scared when I saw those cards we used to get in the mail. Glad you liked the little story!



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