Friday, February 1, 2013


There are always orange peels on the desk and orange stained fingers tinkering on top of the worn surface, full of secret codes carved into the wood by a younger self searching for a way to never forget. Here there is a paint stain from an experiment gone awry, the daily mischief of a child who always believed that there was a secret door behind the bookcase, filled by a serial book collector who loves the smell of literature. They all reside here somewhere, the bone collector who does not venture outdoors, the violist who could never say goodbye, and my dear friend Yorick, though I sometimes mistaken him for Horatio. It’s not much, but it’s home.


  1. I still believe there's a secret door behind a bookcase somewhere. One day I'll find it!

    Nice post.

  2. Your workspace is so nice! I especially like the pictures and postcards you have up. I keep meaning to do something like that but I feel like it will turn out really ugly when I do it haha.

    1. You should do it because your photography is incredibly beautiful! I am sure it will look fantasticcccc!

  3. Your work space looks incredible, I am in love with it!

    1. Thanks Anita! Unfortunately it isn't always this clean heheheheh.

  4. I love how warm and cosy and your workspace is - such lovely photos for daily inspiration!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and leave such a sweet comment by the way. You have a really beautiful blog here :)

  5. Weren't our childhood selves extraordinary? Their minds were truly amazing. Your work space is just lovely, very inspiring.

    Hope you are well.

    1. I am doing quite well - thank you for asking. I am glad you like it - I've always been nervous about sharing parts of my room cause it doesn't look as cool as most people's!

  6. i love your work space! it looks lovely and cozy :)

  7. I love your posts, they are always so poetic :)

    1. Thanks Tilda! I sometimes worry poetics borderlines overdramatic, but I find it more comfortable to read and muse over.

  8. Wow! your workspace is a dream. I love seeing how people organize their working space.
    I never thought to separate my pencils/brushes/etc in their own jars! I may have to take this idea from you. :)


    1. Thanks Cynthia! I collect glass jars obsessively because I need them to hold my art supplies, it just makes it easier to grab things than to root through desk drawers!

  9. I love your OFFICE SUPPLIES (esp the pens on the right :]) and the peeektures!!

    1. Ehhhheheheeh I know you are an office supply hoarder heheheh - you should see my desk drawer (full of staples, post-its, and tape!!!)

  10. this evokes so many memories! oh the countless workplaces i had, due to moving, boarding schools, college...i wish i had commited all of them to my memory that way you did with yours here... very inspiring (as usual)


    1. Thanks! I agree, moving really jumbles things around. In college, I did not put in quite as much effort!

  11. I love those photos you have up! and I love how you have your stationery in jars! x

  12. The jars really helps me organize so if I am working on something, I can grab a tool quickly!

  13. "The smell of literature." Oh, yes. YES YES YES. I am wholeheartedly with you on that one. Your work area looks organized with all those jars, and it's nice to have those images up. (I've been living in my apartment for three months, and still haven't thought of a creative way of how to hang photos from BRICK walls.) ... alas poor Yorick, I knew him well.

    1. Good luck with the brick walls!!! I can't hang anything in my room either because the wallpaper is nice (tape doesn't stick to it though) and my parents will yell if I nail things. Hence, my desk gets all the beating.

  14. i love that first photo! everything looks so neat and orderly. :) i'm not sure if this is a whole office or just a desk but i love what i can see. bedroom/home tours are some of my favourite blog posts to read. :)

    little henry lee

    1. I agree! I love seeing what kind of rooms people work in. My desk takes up 1/3 of my room and it has a bunch of shelves so most of the workspace pictures are of my desk. However, I included some other shots around the room!

  15. Gorgeous pictures - the first one makes me want to organise my desk better hahah
    Ahh how I'm in love with your blog. The pictures so stunning and capturing all the right things and your style of writing is just so magnificent, always something I look forward to reading.

    x Mariana |

  16. Looks like the perfect little work space, very cosy and teeming with inspiration. xxx



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