Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hazy summer noon. Pressing flowers. Eggs Benedict and carrot cake from David Burke’s Kitchen. Nothing cohesive, just bits and pieces from an Indian summer. 

I miss the warm weather. When I walked back to my dorm at 6 in the morning, I was shivering so hard my hands were shaking as I swiped myself into the building. I’ve been trying desperately to catch up on sleep and have ended up feeling pretty sick and tired of just about everything right now (I even changed my blog name). So absolutely done with school at this moment and looking forward to my 7 month break before medical school starts. My days are comprised of phantom toothaches, BBC Sherlock, and pining. I left my cameras at home and it really is like losing a limb. I find myself reaching for the shelf, but nothing is there. 3 weeks left – it shouldn’t be this hard, but it is.


  1. Eggs benedict is my FAVORITE! Beautiful photos Liz :)

    1. Thanks! I am partial to eggs benedict as well..I can never resist getting it when I am at a restaurant

  2. Wow I've never pressed flowers before!

    You can have our weather right now... it's going to be 34C tomorrow and we've been warned to stay inside! Haha.

    1. PLEASE send some of your weather this way. I'd be outside sleeping in the grass and getting sunburned hahaha.

      Pressing flowers is really fun, my favorite part is identifying them all!

  3. ... wait, why am I not following you? These photos are wonderful. And delectable. :) I'm hoping to snag an analog camera or two for Christmas this year (I have the films I want to use already picked out as well).

    I hope you can get through the next few weeks (until you finish term, I'm guessing?)! Take care! I hope you have a good weekend!

    1. You are so sweet <3 Ahhhh so jealous! I love film, but developing it is a pain. So expensive compared to digital now!

      Thank you for the encouragement - I'll pull through!

  4. i love your pressed flowers and the little labels you've put with them! i would label mine but i don't know enough about flowers or plants to know what they are, haha.


    1. I've definitely spent HOURS scouring books and the internet to try to identify the flowers. It's really cool to be able to walk in a garden and say "oh there is lily of the valley" or some nonsense like that! I pick flowers from the school gardens in the spring and I wedge them between my textbooks.

  5. Such beautiful flowers. I finally woke up to some snow this morning.

    <3 Melissa

  6. Beautiful blog you have here! Such beautiful photos! :)
    That botanical book looks fascinating. So pretty.

    Your newest reader,

    1. Thank you so much Nat! I used an old book cover and added in my own water color paper!

  7. Very nice Photo on your blog :-) love it !!!

  8. beautiful pictures! hope you feel better soon

  9. very nice food pics! love the eggs and pudding with cream so much <3
    would you like to follow each other?

  10. You can do it Liz! Three weeks and you will have a break (I am in a similar boat as I finish my thesis). At least you can take refuge in your beautiful pictures and count down the days until completion.

    Maybe an extra episode or two of Sherlock will help cure those phantom toothaches! I find he can be the best cure for all ills.

    1. Thanks Annie! 2 weeks and counting. I've been trying to pack and unpacking because I still need paper and pencils. Trying hard not to go insane.

  11. nice photos I liked your blog, I follow you!
    and if you like mine I hope you like pretty follower :) a kiss!

  12. Your herbarium is beautiful, I made one a few years ago but never fisnished it... I hope you'll show us more of it !

  13. These flowers collages are interesting. (I like to see Sherlock as well) Sometimes you need to stop search in yourself to find your self. Get some distraction doing what you like/love, and things end up becoming clearer with time... , xo.

  14. Such dreamy photos. The first two photographs are my favourite but the last two, I can't not mention how delicious the food looks. Yum!



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