Sunday, October 21, 2012

House Of Leaves

Her bones are showing. And even if that was a normal thing, it sounded kind of like a death sentence, as if the flesh would slide off and you could start counting each rib. One, two, six, four, seven, eight, nine, more. Of course, once you start thinking about these things, you start seeing skeletons everywhere. You stop sleeping and begin scribbling notes in the margins of your books, start carving your initials into every wooden surface you find. Just to satisfy that strange desire for permanence. 

By spring she'll probably be gone. Sunk into the earth and lost among the new budding tendrils of green. Or swept into the river and into a seagrave. Either way, there will be nothing left to find, not even a ghost. It's selfish of me, but I hope spring never comes. That way, she can never die.


  1. that photo of the deer is beautiful! i assume you must have used a zoom lens but you still would have been so close!

    1. Thank you! Actually, this was taken right next to our car. I think the summer has been really dry on the mountains, so the deer have become desperate for food that they wander to where the humans are. It's worrying how thing she was.

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog! Your pictures, as well as the rest of your blog, mind you, are stunning. Absolutely love! xx

  3. WOW amazing pictures and you have a beautiful style of writing, from reading just those two paragraphs I am totally hooked and I can't wait for more! Oh and I'm your newest follower on Bloglovin'. It would mean allot if you could support my blog.
    x Mariana |

    1. Thank you! I'll be sure to add your blog to my reading list =)

  4. these photos are amazing :)
    so inspiring post!

  5. Wow! I'm really glad you commented on my blog, because I really enjoying returning the favor and popping over you. You have some wonderful photos throughout your site. I really liked looking at them. Your words are likewise haunting, and I'm glad you are able to share them and your images with the world. I am stunned by the greenery in these photos (especially the first and last ones). And that deer? So sweet and so sad. There are so many here in Iowa, and it devastates me when I see a fallen one. They are so graceful and majestic otherwise. Very peaceful creatures.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by! I love deer and even though my neighborhood is overrun with them, I'm always excited to see one.

  6. I can't belive you told my photos were great when yours are this beautiful and awesome and everything in between! You are talented. Wow. And love your writing, mysterious and and beautiful, full of thoughts.

  7. wow the pics are so cool! i love the vintage tone fo them!

    want to follow each other? i will defiently follow back

    my blog:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i'm sad for that deer too! looks so beautiful !

  10. You write with such emotion, there is such a haunting undertone that make me want to cry and smile at the same time, because it's just so perfect. Your photos are beautiful too, weaving snatches of imagination in amongst reality. I don't even have any more words for this. It's like a crushed flower, tragic, but so so beautiful and completely unforgettable. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. It means so much coming from you, who is clearly incredibly talented. I hope yo have a lovely day, filled with pretty things and whimsical dream.
    Xo Jane

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful comment, I am incredibly flattered <3



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